Creative, Empowered, Holistic Living

10 Purposeful and Inspiring Ways to Spend 10 Minutes


Hey Inspiring Souls!

Life can be full, it often feels like for many of the things we want to do and create that we need these big chunks of time we never seem to get (though the truth is we need to create them and sometimes insist upon them,but that is a different post!) I am a supporter of doing things in 10-15 minute increments if that is all we can carve out at the moment! So if you have 10 minutes there are many things we can do within that time frame! Here are some of my ideas..

1)      A fast De-clutter, this can be a surface, drawer, bag, closet doesn’t matter- choose a space and dive in for 10 minutes. (tip do this a few times a week and it will add up to a bit more spaciousness)

2)      Visual Journal- Even if this is your first time you can do this- grab a journal or notebook- if you don’t have one of those around then just grab a piece of paper. Grab a magazine or catalog –find any of the following (or a mix if that feels good!) Image (it can even be the entire page/large portion of it), word or words and glue it down. You can also add doodles or written words on it with a sharpie or pen (if the page is glossy just test the smearing of it in a corner or another page) Trust what you are drawn to, there is no right or wrong way to do this. Here is a  resources if you want to know more.

3)      Move your body.. find something you enjoy or want to explore (yoga, dance, walk, hoop, skip) even a few times a week of this kind of showing up for yourself builds up good habits! Don’t wait until you have an hour and more space and and and- start with what you have and where you are – a few playlists on YouTube that are 5-10 ish minutes Cardio and Yoga

4)      Write a postcard to someone, who doesn’t love a thoughtful or inspiring bit of snail mail

5)      Brainstorm an idea, you know that idea that’s been on the tip of your brain for weeks, months, years? Yeah that’s the one –just spew out any ideas no matter how small or seemingly outrageous they seem and get it out of your head and onto paper!

6)      Seek inspiration, grab your camera (I use my iPhone) and find something that inspires you or that you find beautiful or interesting. Snap a few pictures (try from a few different angles) – go outside, look up, look down, look really close, get a wide view

7)      Read an inspiring book, if all you read is a paragraph or less, that’s just a bit further than you would have been if you did not spend this 10 minutes!

8)      Do something you have been avoiding, while this does not seem inspiring. It will clear some mental energy for you and open you up to other possibilities- it might just empower you!

9)      Learn something on YouTube or any other awesome online resources- type in 10 minutes and the thing you want to learn about, explore etc

10)   Do nothing, we do not have to have every minute filled up, sometimes just allowing ourselves to sit or lay for 10 min will open us to inspiration and give us some energy after the fact!

Here is to living Inspired, Creative and Empowered


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