Journaling Prompts

Self-Care- Journal Prompt



Hey Inspiring Souls!

Allowing yourself to be depleted without filling back up serves nothing and nobody.

Create a Self/Soul Care go to list.  Make these a mix of longer items and really short ones (think 5 minutes or less)

Now post it somewhere you will be reminded often. Schedule in a few things this week!

Some things on that list might be..

Drink  a cup of tea

Close my eyes and take a deep belly breath

Do Yoga ( or even one pose, breathing technique, mudra)


Take a bath

Cook or get a really good and nourishing meal

Read a book or magazine

Drink Lemon water (or just staying hydrated in general)


or nothing like any of these.. what feels like self-care to you?

Here is to living Inspired, Creative and Empowered


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