Coaching Q & A

Enough-Coaching Q and A

Hey Wonderful Souls! Welcome to this weeks Coaching Q & A this week we have a powerful question that many of us can probably relate to on one level or another.


When life circumstances change and you find yourself needing to “shrink the rice bowl” as it were (i.e., to be able to get by on less than you’ve been used to), what can you do to ease that transition? What if you’ve managed to entangle your identity (ego) into the notion of what is “enough” and now that you must do with less, you feel you’ve been somehow diminished?


As there often is, it’s really more than one question here. First let me say I am sorry you are going through tough times.

Lets look at the first question: What can you do to ease the transition during tough times and times of change.

-Do your best to find the good in the situation, I know that sounds simple but I know from experience it’s often not, you may really feel like you have to stretch to see what good there is in this situation. You reference “shrinking the rice bowl” A possible blessing in this would be to have the opportunity to really start defining on a serious level what things, expenses etc are in your life because you were used to having them there and what ones really bring you joy, peace and so on. It’s helpful (note I didn’t say always fun) in looking at what things are really important to us.

-Put in routines that are nurturing to you, when we are in the midst of change it’s often really easy to let go of all the good habits and things we were doing because we are so focused on the problem and trying to fix it. Make some non negotiables for yourself daily and weekly. Maybe you used to meditate, exercise, create etc all the time but that has all gone to the if I get time list.. We feel we don’t have time for those things like they are luxuries, but they are actually the total opposite they are foundations for us. Often if we took even a short time to engage in those on a regular basis we would actually get more done because we would feel more centered, calm, nourished, energized etc..

Part 2 of the question is related to worth.. It sounds like you have a big part of your worth tied up into what you do, what you provide on a monetary level and that you are feeling like you are not enough. The word “diminished” was used and  that is a really powerful and telling word about what you are feeling. I deeply encourage you to journal/write out some thoughts and responses to the following:

First though, I want to remind you that it’s really truly about how you show up, who you are not what you do. You are NOT what you do or what you provide on a  money or stuff level.

-Think about some people in your life who bring a lot of soul value to you. Ask yourself, do the people I really value and love do I love and value them because of the monetary things they provide for me? Why?

-Think of the things you provide to those around you that have nothing to do with money. You can even if you feel comfortable ( or even slightly uncomfortable) ask some of those around you, close to you what ways you bring value as YOU to their lives.

-What is important to you, truly important to you?

-What does enough look like to you? Before you were having to live off of less did you feel then like YOU were enough?

-Remind yourself daily: Try an affirmation or word that reminds you of your true  value, your soul value… A starting point could be something like this…  I value myself for who I am, for the soul gifts I bring to those around me and I know that I am enough.

If you have any follow-up questions on any of the Coaching Q & A that I do or If you have any new questions that you would like answered by a passionate coach then contact me hstoliveinspired @ Your question will be published your personal information will not. To find out more about my coaching packages go here!

Here is to living Inspired, Creative and Empowered


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