Inspired Living, living with intention

10 tiny ways to shift your energy

1. Deep breath

2. Put on a song you love

3. Move your body (Walk,dance ; stretch ..whatever!)

4. Connect with nature (sn open window , a flower , the ocean.. )

5. Put on something that makes you feel good (maybe it’s sweats, maybe it’s dressy.. you do you!)

6. Mini mess blitz (one small surface, a hook, your wallet)

7. Smile

8. Use something you’ve been saving until…

9. Bring in a plant Or tend to yours

10. Find something beautiful/inspiring

Here’s to living with intention


Empowered, Holistic Living, Inspired

5 ways to set yourself up for success this week

5 ways to set yourself up for success this week

Hey inspiring Souls,

Most of us have a lot going on in our lives these day. We tend to get into react not responding. What we do that all the time it’s not unusual for things we intended to do or create just feel like too much. One way to help shift this is to engage in things that set us up for success. Here are 5 ways to do just that.

1. Plan your week, put in the tasks you need to get done calls to make etc…but don’t forget to schedule in self snd soul care

2. Set up your supplements or medicine for the week.

3. Go grocery shopping and get meals for the week (making a menu is helpful < note to self!

4. Set up reminders through the day to get up and move, breath, appts etc

5. Set intentions: how do you want to feel, what do you want to accomplish and what do you want to savor?

Here’s to living with intention


Inspired Words

I hope this year(quote) – Inspired Words

Hey Beautiful Souls,

This amazing quote has come up on my radar a few times lately and I just love it so much. I wanted to share it with you.

This is SO what I want, I want to re frame how i think of mistakes or even the fear of “failure”.


I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.

Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re Doing Something.

So that’s my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before. Don’t freeze, don’t stop, don’t worry that it isn’t good enough, or it isn’t perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life.

Whatever it is you’re scared of doing, Do it.

Make your mistakes, next year and forever.”
― Neil Gaiman

Friday 5

5 Inspiring Videos – Friday 5

Hey Beautiful Souls!

I watch something on YouTube at least 3 days a week there is so much inspiration to be had there (and it can be a vortex time sucker, so beware!) Here are some videos I have found inspiring lately.

  1. I just love this song (all musical) and the video is pretty cool too! There just something about it I felt inspired by!
  2. This video was really inspiring and thought-provoking 
  3. How to stop screwing yourself over
  4. On grief and the passage of time 
  5. I really want to try this paint pour canvas! 
Friday 5, Holistic Living

Free things you can do today to improve your days…Friday 5

Hey Lovely Souls…

This week I wanted to share 5 Free things you can do today to improve your days…

1)      Meditate (there are a ton of free meditations out there, I happen to really love an app called insight timer it has hundreds of free meditations. YouTube is another great tool) Start with 1-5 minutes.

2)      Listen to an inspiring Podcast. (or song or audiobook) You can multitask while doing this.. on your commute, going for a walk, straightening up your space, even oftentimes at work!

3)      Choose a book or magazine that you want to dig into, not one you should (and shoulds come in all different sizes…) but one that you really want to) Set aside 10-20  minutes a day to read some of it.

4)      Have a little plan.  I am not suggesting that you plan every hour. What I am encouraging, however, is that you use a planner or digital system to schedule a few things that need to be done and that matter to you.  I love having a paper and pen planner. I start out planning my week. If that’s not your thing then start with planning /setting intentions and your most important tasks for that day. It helps you feel like you do have a say in how your days will unfold. But I will suggest being open about shifts in your plan sometimes…

5)      Ask yourself, what do I most need today? And try and give that to yourself. I feel like oftentimes it’s simple things like a deep breath, a nourishing meal, laughter or even just a few minutes of stillness.

Here is to living Inspired, Creative and Empowered


Tuesday Tips

Inspiration Board (on the cheap!) – Tuesday Tip

Hey Beautiful Soul!

No matter what size space we live in most any of us can find a small to add some inspiration!

Today’s Tip is about not being tied to there only being one way to display it or to think that it has to cost you a bunch of money.


You can get cork boards (or little panels) for pretty inexpensive these days at craft stores, big box stores etc. Find a little section in your home (room, kitchen, living room, hallway) to put one up.

Get some washi tape and use a closet door (inside and or outside of it)  or small section of the wall.

Use a file folder and add inspo to the inside, outside and you can even clip articles and things and put them inside the folder. Keep it on your desk or in a place you go into regularly.

Get an inexpensive frame, glue images on the back of the paper that comes with it and frame it.


There are SO many places to gather inspiration from.

Magazines, images, words etc.

Postcards or greeting cards with an image or phrase you love (these are also great to use as budget friendly art)

Printables from online (go to Pinterest for a bunch free and paid) and Etsy also has a great selection of printables (paid, usually really budget friendly)


Because surrounding ourselves with inspiration is a great way to nourish ourselves (mentally and spiritually) You can choose a theme if you want or just choose what really tugs at you!

Here is to living Inspired, Creative and Empowered


(image above is my current Inspiration board, one of them anyway!)

Soul Notes-Notes to and From my Soul to yours

You can- Soul Notes

Hey Beautiful Person, Yes YOU!

You know that thing you feel you can’t because of___ (fill in the blank it often holds the words not enough (money, worth, deserving, not young enough, old enough the list could go on and on)

You know what… We can spend all day, all week, all month our lives finding the reason why we can’t do or be something…


You have got this, seriously… Start looking for evidence that supports the opposite of the can’t and see where it might take you, or you take it!

Deep breath. And go. Be. Do. You can do this.

Here is to living Inspired, Creative and Empowered
