Journaling Prompts

Problems and Solutions- Journal Prompt

Hey Wonderful Souls!

After having a conversation with someone this week where she was stressing about some decisions to be made, I told her it appeared to me that she was looking for problems and not solutions. She said shew as look at the problems not looking for problems.

That is not a call I can really make, I am not inside of her head!But it got me to thinking where do I do this in my life? In order to have the solution, I understand we need to look at the problem in order to figure out what needs to be solved, but  at some point we need to not keep our energy and focus solely on the problems and never even consider the solutions. So that is what I am asking you this week:

Where in my life am I focusing more on the problem, looking for a problem and not any solutions?

Here is to living Inspired,Creative and Empowered


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