Self & Soul Care Saturday

Stilness- Saturday Self and Soul Care


Hey Beautiful Souls,

Life and the world is busy and noisy (even if that’s good busy and good noisy sometimes!) It’s a lot for our systems to keep taking in to process.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes when I get overwhelmed, I lean towards numbing (spacing out on various websites (<my numbing of choice!) , tv, games semi zoned out) And while vegging out isn’t a bad thing sometimes, numbing is not nourishing or empowering. It does the opposite.

One way to really ground ourselves is to allow space for Stillness… 

Some ways to create stillness are…

  • Listen to a song, eyes closed and only that
  • Put  your hand on your heart and listen to and follow your breath
  • Do “Childs Pose” (my favorite way to stillness)
  • Sit outside and just listen to the sounds around you, watch whatever bit of nature you can.

Here is to living Inspired, Creative and Empowered



Inspired, Little Inspirations

Little Inspirations-Listen

Hey Beautiful Souls!

I know I have posted about listening before. But for me this is a message I need to be reminded of again and again!

Listen to your life, the whispers will show up, the nudges… Listen to them

Listen to the whispers of your soul, even if you don’t always understand what that whisper has to do with “real life”

Listen to your body, it has so much wisdom and will help lead you to what it needs

Really listen, hear what people are saying to you and remember that it’s not about giving away your power but it is about deeply listening to the core of what is being said so you can make decision beyond the surface

Remember that sometimes those messages are asking you to seek the silence, the stillness to really hear them


Here is to living Inspired, Creative and Empowered



Redefining Stillness for me..

Hey Beautiful Souls,

Lately I have been feeling like I have been way to task oriented. And on some level I  might even be ok with that if I felt like those tasks were truly moving me in a direction I was meant to be, or if they were filling me/nourishing me. In many cases they are not. So I did an experiment this last weekend I resisted looking at my weekly list all weekend. Now this may not sound that profound for some, but for me it was.

You see it’s just this year that I really started keeping lists for what needed/wanted to get done each week. It’s been great in several ways, I will keep doing this. What I will not keep doing is adding to that list shoulds or tasks that come from being on Auto Pilot . I have this constant need to feel like I am being productive, even when in reality it’s often busy work. I have spent years getting ready to get started and I let planning each week become part of that. Frankly there is probably a series of posts in this very subject I could do.

Heres what all of this came down to, I had to redefine stillness for myself . I have always thought of stillness as meditation, and it is of course. But for me stillness really meant making room on some level. In my mind, in my day. If I am trying to  stay “busy’ or “productive” a lot I am not really making room for the messages that my life is giving me, I am not slowing down to listen or tap into what I really want to create.

For me stillness is..


-Ignoring or really looking at the shoulds, slowing myself long enough to check in

-Just allowing some days or parts of days to unfold as they may…

-Creating space to really explore what needs to be nurtured in my life.

I think this year especially I have really felt like I need to make up for lost time, when we do that I think we come from a place of panic and urgency on some level. That is not a nurturing or inspiring place to come from. I am working on allowing myself to just be and to listen to what my life is really trying to tell me. In reality I think doing these things will be far more productive than the way I have been doing that.

Much to think about here for me, and it’s a journey but I think I have some insight and some tools that will help me get there and help me stay here, in this moment.

Here is to living Inspired, Creative and Empowered
